we are distributers of GSE-6 for NGR TECH in egypt
NRG Tech Srl is recognised within the gas industry for providing a comprehensive range of high reliability
gas detection for many applications. We have installed and commissioned natural gas and carbon monoxide
sensors in applications such as boiler rooms, kitchens, car parks, aircraft hangers, factories and shopping
centres. The GSE6 is the gas sensor ATEX certified used with the complete range of NRG Tech Srl detector
panels. Every NRG Tech Srl product is manufactured to meet relevant European Normatives and proposals
for explosive and toxic gases.
The GSE6 is controlled by a microprocessor.
This conducts both self diagnostics and
automatically calibrates the sensor when ambient
conditions vary, thus avoiding false alarms. A handheld datalogger can be connected to the GSE6 and
information about the sensor can be read and
printed out i.e.:
the serial number
the sensor condition
how many times the sensor has been powered up
how many alarms have occurred
how many days of anticipated life remain
how many auto adjusts have been made and
the preset calibration state